Our staff carry out the organization's mission by managing the day to day operations, programming, development, and working with community members and partners.
Jeff Mastroianni – Executive Director

After more that 20 years working in live music production, Jeff Mastroianni decided to give video production a try. He joined his local Community Access Center, Brattleboro Community Television (BCTV), where he received editing training, and learned about television production. Soon after he began work as a field producer and volunteer, and was doing freelance video production and digital media development. In 2012 he was hired on full-time as BCTV’s Content Manager and broadcast Technical Director, and worked in that position for five years.
In 2018 he joined Amherst Media as the Director of Media Technology, and also took on the roles of Production Coordinator and Intern Coordinator. Jeff took over as Executive Director in November of 2021. He brings a passion for Community Media and a long history of nonprofit work and leadership to his role here at E•Media.
Tim Riley – Operations Manager

Tim Riley has been with E•Media since 2008, having started as an intern while attending Easthampton High School. As Operations Manager, Tim takes care of the daily operations of the organization, maintaining broadcast systems, working with the public, directing meetings, and filling in wherever he is needed.
In his spare time, he enjoys pollinator gardening, watching New England Patriots football, reading, and playing stringed instruments.
Jackson Foote – Production Coordinator

Jackson Foote started as an intern in the beginning of 2022 and is now Production Coordinator at E•Media.
Jackson handles productions from pre to post production. He trains members of E•Media, interns and community partners in all aspects of media production.
He coordinates studio and field production schedules, logistics, and equipment. In his spare time Jackson enjoys playing sports (especially volleyball,) watching Sci-Fi/horror movies, and spending time with friends.
Lucinda Arnold – Operations Administrator

Lucinda Arnold has recently joined E•Media as the Operations Admin. She has several media related interests which is what brought her into our studio as a prospective member. Her responsibilities include maintaining our social media and website, general admin duties, and supporting our members and producers. She’s full of ideas and is eager to serve our community at E•Media.
Lucinda’s various interests and hobbies include art, wellness, preparedness, permaculture, and teaching. She considers learning an adventure and loves a good used bookstore.