Artist Gallery


In addition to all of the amazing things we have to offer, we’re also a fully functioning art gallery! Our extensive lobby wall space (390 sq. ft.), and prime location on the first floor of the Eastworks building, lends itself well to featuring artwork from local artists.  If you’re interested in an exhibition of your work, please contact

Feel free to stop in during our regular business hours and check out our featured artist’s work. 


Our Current Featured Exhibit:  CONES by Diane Savioli-Chase 

Diane has an appreciation for life and is an avid adventurer.  She loves to document the interesting views she views along her way.

This series of cones was taken with her camera, but she quickly learned that she could get great photos from her cell phone and without needing to lug a separate camera around.  These images are large format prints and will make your mouth water for a cool summer treat!

In August, she will display images from her more recent travels that were taken with her smart phone.  We hope you will enjoy the show and be encouraged in your own photography adventures.



Artist Archive

Richard Bulda, large format photography, Aug-Nov 2022

Gary Lippincott, watercolor/fantasy illustration, Dec -April 2022

Sara Gately, mixed media, April-May 2023

Madge Evers, spore print art, cyanotypes June-July 2023

Diane Savioli-Chase, photography,  Aug-Sep 2023

Dawn Allen, photography, Oct-Nov 2023

Robert Floyd Gallery, photography,  Dec/Jan/Feb 2024

Pat Crutchfield, photography, Dec/Jan/Feb 2024

Rosemary Polletta, photography, Dec/Jan/Feb 2024

Doris Madsen, mixed media/installation,  March-April 2024

Renee Hill, photography May-June 2024

Diane Savioli-Chase, photography July-Aug 2024



Art Walk Easthampton-Update

In light of new schedule changes to Art Walk Easthampton (1st Saturday, 4-7pm) we will no longer be participating. Please see our social media outlets and website for any future events and gallery shows.

You may still access our archived musical performance recordings on our website and YouTube channel.