Efforts to Support Independent Community Television

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The decrease in cable subscribers and the increase in streaming media services has created greater challenges for independent community television around the country.  In Massachusetts lawmakers are considering ways to address this issue and remodel the way community media is funded.  More information can be obtained with the following links. MASS ACCESS https://www.massaccess.org/get-involved/activelegislation/ Bill H.74… Continue reading

Easthampton Digital Equity Plan

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A Digital Equity Plan meeting was held for Easthampton this week at the Easthampton Congregational Church. Mayor Nicole LaChapelle and VHB (Vanasse Hangen Brustlin) Urban Planner Jennifer Nelson shared information about their progress, findings, and future intent. Recordings are available on our YouTube channel, website, and Easthampton’s cable channel 193.  See the Massachusetts Broadband Institute… Continue reading

February Art Walk at E•Media

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Tank Hood gave a wonderful performance at our February Art Walk event.  His recording is now available on our website, cable channel 191, and our YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EScu1BHZD8E Thank you to all who help to make the event a success! E•Media    “Committed to Community”

Ready to Go!

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Our website improvements are complete and include a new membership management platform powered by ISAAC.   Sign-in information was sent to active members, if you didn’t receive an email and would like to, then send us a request at info@easthamptonmedia.org   This new system will allow member producers to more easily navigate equipment reservations and… Continue reading

New Art Exhibit!

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SMOKEY MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPES by Rosemary Polletta Curated by the Robert Floyd Gallery and Learning Center Showing February 1st-29th in the E•Media Gallery   The exhibit can be viewed during our normal business hours and the Art Walk Easthampton event this Thursday from 6-8pm.   See our Gallery Page for more information. E•Media “Committed to Community”

Resolutions for Better Health?

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Did you make a resolution to improve your health through movement?   We’d like to support you on your journey to better health.  Here’s a list of local programming from our archives that we think you might enjoy.   Fall Prevention Awareness Western Mass Hilltown Hikes Lynne And Tiny Wellness Show RSVP Healthy Bones & Balance with… Continue reading

Can’t access our channels on cable?

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It has come to our attention  that local cable subscribers have had issues with accessing our channels, as a result of recent upgrades to their equipment. This is also affecting customers who use the Spectrum app for cable viewing. Spectrum has been made aware of the issue and we hope it will be resolved soon. … Continue reading

New Memberships and Renewals Postponed

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Our site is under maintenance.  New memberships and renewals will be postponed until Feb 5th, 2024. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.   E•Media  “Committed to Community”

Under Construction…

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Please pardon the disruption.  Our YouTube channel feed on our website homepage will be temporarily unavailable as we work on website improvements.   E•Media’s YouTube channel itself is fully operational and can be accessed here.   Thank you for your patience. E•Media  “Committed to Community”

January’s Art Gallery Exhibit

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Urbanscapes  Artwork by Tara Bronner, Barbara Krawczyk, Daniel Milberg, , Rosemary Polletta, and Mary Jeanne Tash.  “Urbanscapes” was curated by the Robert Floyd Gallery. The E•Media art gallery may be viewed during regular business hours.  E•Media       “Committed to Community”