Songwriters' Spotlight Highlights, Episode 1
Dr Dan Russell has released his first Songwriters’ Spotlight Highlights episode.
A brief listen to guests; Mike Orlen,Claire Dacey, Billy Moon, Marcia Hendrick, Mark Nomad, Scott Cadwallader, Aimee Van Dyne, and Larry Leblanc. We hope you enjoy the show.
Songwriters’ Spotlight Highlights, episode 1, can be accessed in the following ways…
Easthampton’s 191 cable channel
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gE2hhX33zAc
E•Media: https://vod.easthamptonmedia.org/CablecastPublicSite/show/16518?site=1
Podcast Playlist: https://songwritersspotlightwithdrdanrussell.transistor.fm/
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