E•Media has partnered with Easthampton’s GoDigital program.
Basic technology classes and tech support are FREE and currently available to Easthampton and nearby residents.
Offerings include:
GoDigital Classes
Learn-to-Earn program with Tech Goes Home
Self-Guided Online Learning through Northstar Digital Literacy
Individual Tech Help
Devices to Borrow
“Click here to watch the GoDigital PSA”
For additional questions or to register…
In Person:
- E-Media (116 Pleasant St Suite 102)
- Library (9 Park St)
- Council on Aging (19 Union St)
(413) 203-1360
This technology outreach plan is in partnership with E-Media — along with the Easthampton Public Library, Chamber of Greater Easthampton, and key City departments (Council on Aging, Information Technology, Public Health, and Veterans Services) and funded by a (one year) grant provided by the Massachusetts Broadband Institute.
E•Media “Committed to Community”