MC4P- An Impromptu Interview with Nancy Kendrick

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MC4P-Season 2, episode 7 Wren joins the the Doula Guild for an impromptu interview with Nancy Kendrick. What insights does she have? What trends are she noticing? What films and books are available to help us expand our perspective about planning for end of life? -Produced by Wren Rebeiro   Easthampton Public Cable channel 191… Continue reading

Death and Dying by Mujerés Co-Labor 4 Peace (MC4P)

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Wren Ribeiro is our producer of the year and is bringing light to another sensitive topic with curiosity and grace.  In this second season of Mujerés Co-Labor 4 Peace  (MC4P) is exploring how we can approach death and dying with greater empathy, compassion, and care.  MC4P Season Two Trailer – Peaceful Dying *View on Easthampton… Continue reading