Death and Dying by Mujerés Co-Labor 4 Peace (MC4P)

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Wren Ribeiro is our producer of the year and is bringing light to another sensitive topic with curiosity and grace.  In this second season of Mujerés Co-Labor 4 Peace  (MC4P) is exploring how we can approach death and dying with greater empathy, compassion, and care. 

MC4P Season Two Trailer – Peaceful Dying

*View on Easthampton Public Cable channel 191

MC4P S2E1 Peaceful Dying with Wren Ribeiro — Talking about Dying

Wren reflects on how we face death and dying.




MC4P S2E2 Peaceful Dying with End of Life Expert Patti Muldoon

Wren and Patti Muldoon explore the distance and denial we tend to hold to death and dying.




MC4P S2E3 Deborah Ekstrom

Wren visits with Deborah Ekstrom who is an end of life doula who helps to prepare people for dealing with the existential crisis and fear about dying.




MC4P Peaceful Dying episode 4 with Sister Clare Carter and host Wren Ribeiro of InnerFortune

Wren explores public and personal advocacy through mindful prayer, walking, and more with Sister Clare Carter.

A bonus video is also available of Wren learning to sing “Namu Myoho Renge Kyo” with Sister Carter.


Visit for podcast.


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